If Your Agency/Manager has requested a self tape
we are here to help

  • Smart phone or SD Card ( no mini sd cards)



We will need the instructions for each scene, that has been sent to you by your Agent, Manager or Casting Director.
Instructions can very per Region/Area/Agency/Manager/Casting Director.

You will be sending two clips. One is your AUDITION SCENE. The next is your SLATE/INTERVIEW.



For your AUDITION SCENE, you should have your part memorized "the sides," which is a portion of the script.

DO NOT LOOK INTO THE CAMERA DURING YOUR SCENE. Your off camera reader should stand close to the the camera so your face is viewable and eye level to camera lens. The camera should be stationary and not zoom in or out.

Be sure to stand confidently and avoid swaying back and forth. You do not want your head bobbing from one side of the screen to the other and even worse, going out of camera.

It is important that no one else is in the frame. Whoever is reading with you should be completely off camera.

Shoot your scene and then STOP the camera between each take. You may want to shoot the scene 2 - 3 times and then later decide which take is best to send. Submit 1 scene only

A final note is to start the camera recording for a few seconds BEFORE and AFTER you talk. This allows you to have editing room, if you choose to edit.

Helpful tips for a good audition video: shoot it horizontal

• Please read the script beforehand. We need you to be prepared and as off-book as

possible. This means memorized

• The wall behind you should ideally be white or blue. Try to position yourself a few feet

away from the wall to avoid shadows.

• Make sure the main light source comes from behind the camera, since you want the

viewer to be able to see your face clearly. (Don’t film in front of a window – this will

create a silhouette, not good for shooting.)

• Your camera should ideally sit on a tripod to maintain a steady image. If you don’t

have a tripod, make sure you can put the camera on a stable surface.

• Frame CHEST UP - not too much headroom. Make sure we can see your face.

• Record a test sample and see how it looks and sounds on the computer first to make

final adjustments before taping the scenes. If you can’t see or hear yourself well, we

won’t be able to either.

• Make sure your camera is positioned at eye level or slightly above. Do not shoot from

under your chin – no one looks good that way!

(If the audition piece is a comedy slate at the begining if it is dramatic slate at the end)

THE SLATE - Please start with a close up and then widen out for a full body shot (top of head to toes). Again, make sure you do not chop off the top of your head. It is important that we see all of you. This is where you will SLATE (saying your name, age, where you live and if you are with an agency and the part you are reading for. If you don't have an agent, just leave that part off). This should be as if you are really introducing yourself in person. Keep this conversational and upbeat in order to grab the casting directors attention.

Make your slate very natural, clear, slow and in your own personality. You are not "acting." You want to make it slow and clear so the Casting Director viewing the tape can identify you easily. During the slate, you may look into the camera.

After you slate, please frame the shot in close-up. This is a shot from your upper body and shoulders to the top of your head - please be careful not to cut off the top of your head.

Record your slate by answering these questions.
1.  Your Name
2. Current Age and Birthdate or Over 18
3. Height (If asked for)
4. Where you currently live/based from
5. Agency/Manager that represents you
6. Part you are reading for


Use iMOV or MP4 with H.264 as the video codec and AAC for audio

Modern smart phones and many digital cameras will give you compatible video without adjustment. If you need to record with your smart phone, be sure to hold the phone horizontally.

Advanced Settings (optional)

FilesIdeally MOV or MP4

Frame Rate30 fps (frames per second)

Video CodecH.264

Frame Size1280x720 for HD or 640x480 for standard definition

Bitrate5000kbps for HD or 1500kbps-2000kbps for standard definition

KeyframesEvery 60 frames (minimum)

InterlacingIf you have the option to de-interlace the video, please do so.

AudioStereo Audio with a 44.1kHz @ 16 Bits using the AAC codec

PassesMultiple pass encoding is recommended.